Full list of functions

There is full list of functions in Teide:

1. Getting a list of databases in DBMS server, and quick move to selected database

2. Database and tables

2.1. Getting a list of tables

2.2. Quick preview of table: content (first 100 records), field structure, relations

2.3. Create new blank table

2.4. Create new table with the same structure as selected table

2.5. Create new table from data in clipboard (e.g. Excel)

2.6. Copy selected table to other one with the same data structure

2.7. Delete table

2.8. Clear all data in the table

3. Opening the table for viewing and editing

3.1. Opening in simple table (view, editing)

3.2. Opening in tree-table (view, editing)

3.3. Opening in pivot table (view)

3.4. Opening as a diagram (view)

4. Logging

4.1. View history of database operations in Teide - description and SQL statements

4.2. Copy selected SQL statements from log

4.3. Save selected SQL statements to file

5. Editing table structure

5.1. Add new field

5.2. Change field properties: name, type and length (with data conversion), collation, nullable, primary key flag

5.3. Delete field(s)

5.4. Save data structure to file

5.5. Adjust table according to table structure saved in file

6. Export/Import table

6.1. Export to CSV format

6.2. Export to PDF format

6.3. Export to Excel format

6.4. Export to HTML format

6.5. Save table to file (XML)

6.6. Load table from file (XML), save loaded table to database

6.7. Export to Fixed width text file

6.8. Export to XML file - based on template (see XML section)

6.9. Import from XML file - based on specified tags and basic path (see XML section)

7. Editing table

7.1. Search values

7.2. Filtering of fields

7.3. Sorting of fields

7.4. Add and insert (based on ordering field) new rows - with filling not null fields by default (empty) values

7.5. Delete row(s)

7.6. Copy row - with incrementing and generation (GUID) primary keys

7.7. Copy selected region (rows, fields) to clipboard

7.8. Paste values from clipboard (e.g.Excel and other table data) - with adding of rows and columns if data in clipboard exceed current field number and row number

7.9. Move row up, down, exchange position - based on ordering field

7.10. Set special values: null, new GUID (Global Unique Identifier)

7.11. Set through value of counter to field

7.12. Open table in two-windows mode to simple copying of selected rows

8. Queries

8.1. Green SQL terminal - results are represented in text tables

8.2. Plain SQL queries (load from file, save to file, run) - multi-table results are represented

8.3. Save result of query to new table

9. Relations and relation analysis

9.1. Add/edit/delete relations

9.2. Open related table: master-detail, nested table, three tables (left, relation, right table)

9.3. Opening of table (left, right) in relation (9.2.) as full table, rows in relation, residue

9.4. Relation (intersection analysis), including: natural, left, right, full join; left, right residue, matching

9.5. Supported limitations in relation (intersection analysis): n:n, 1:n, n:1, 1:1 (matching)

9.6. Show intersection metrics (with explanations of its meaning), including: number of records, number of intersected records in source table, number of residue records, number of records in the intersection - for inner, left, right, full joins

9.7. Copying of SQL statements of the intersections to clipboard

9.8. Show as nested rows of table with the same values of field(s)

10. SQL Script generation

10.1. Create Table (selected fields)

10.1. Insert - template and complete table (selected fields)

10.2. Update - template and complete table (selected fields)

10.3. Delete - template and complete table

11. Data Analysis in table

11.1. Key/combination analysis - analysis of duplicating field(s) values in the table with showing of metrics, and tables with unique and non-unique (in nesting view) values of field(s)

11.2. Field values analysis - show unique values and repeating number of selected fields

11.3. Group analysis - show in tree table groupped values and value of aggregate functions (sum, max, min, avg, count) for selected fields. Multi-level of groupping is supported.

12. Transformation

12.1. Normalization to 1NF (First Normal Form) - filling of empty values by values from previous row in selected fields

12.2. Table extraction from one-column table (pivoting)

13. XML

13.1. Loading of XML file, representation in tree table view. Show selected tag values as column of table

13.2. Import loaded XML file to database table based on specific repetitive XML path and linked tags to DB fields

13.3. Create database table based on specified fields against XML tags

13.4. Save/load link of mapping of XML to database to Teide tables (sections)

13.5. Make Select, Insert statements and XSLT script based on mapped database fields to XML tags

13.6. Loading XML, XSLT file and results of transformation (XML + XSLT). Show XML (XML, XSLT, target XML) as tree table and text document

13.7. Making of XPath, testing of XPath, show results of XPath selection (based on 13.6)

13.8. Conversion of XML to JSON, conversion of JSON to XML